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Programs and Activities
The CPRWMA and its member counties conduct numerous programs and activities, all focused on recycling and reducing litter.  The following programs and activities are in most cases free to citizens living in the three counties and open to both businesses and citizens.
  • Electronics Recycling Events.  This program offers citizens the opportunity to properly dispose of electronic devices, i.e. computers, radios, copiers, etc. In Buchanan County, both citizens and businesses can recycle their E-Waste at the Buchanan County Transfer Station- 276-498-4403.  In Dickenson County, both citizens and businesses can recycle their E-Waste at the Dickenson County Transfer Station- 276-835-1024.  In Russell County, both citizens and businesses can recycle their E-Waste at the Russell County Transfer Station- 276-794-7826.  
  • Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events: This event is designed to encorage citizens to properly dispose of common household products like paint, cleaners, pesticides and herbicides. To learn when this event is being held plese click on our Calendar
  • Office Paper Recycling Days: The three counties conduct a one time free paper recycling day to encourage area businesses to reduce, reuse and recycle their white office paper.
  • Abandoned Car Roundup Program: To rid the roadsides and front yards of abandoned cars, local litter control and recycling offices have developed this program.  It is currently being implemented in Buchanan and Dickenson Counties.  Russell County is pursuing the development of this program in 2006.
  • School Beautiful Program: School beautiful is currently being implemented in Buchanan, Dickenson and Russell Counties.  This program is designed to promote cleanliness at the area elementary and high schools.
  • Litter Free School Zone and Student Cleanup Program: These programs are designed to promote a clean school campus.  Both programs are offered for elementary and high school students.  
  • White Goods or Large Appliance Recycling Roundups: To aid in the cleanup of illegal dumps and to increase the counties recycling rates, citizens are encouraged to participate in the free collection of large appliances.  Citinzens in Buchanan and Dickenson Counties have the option of curbside pickup and drop off sites.  Russell County citizens have the option of dropping appliances off at the Russell County Transfer Station.
  • Illegal Dump Inventory and Cleanup:  All three member counties have completed the inventory of illegal dumps.  Buchanan County (215), Dickenson County (265), and Russell County (298). To date our member counties have conducted 17 Tri County Illegal Dump Cleanup events, removing 180 tons of illegally dumped materials. Our member counties have aggressively implemented cleanup programs to rid their hillsides and roadways from dumps.  The member counties have cleaned over 100 dumps from 2003 to 2007.  Additional cleanups are schedule for next year. 
  • Groundwater Festival for 6th Grade Students.  This environmental  and outdoor event is designed to assist area teachers with teaching the Virginia Standards of Learning (VA SOL's).  Stations include: Neck Deep In Litter, Solid Waste Management and Recycling, Down and Dirty With Soils, Mining And Groundwater, Where Does Water Come From, Down The Drain and What We Can Learn From Stream Bugs.  For Buchanan and Dickenson, this event has been offered for seven years at the Breaks Interstate Park in Breaks, VA.  In Russell County, the event is held in May at the Russell County Fair Grounds in Castlewood, VA.  These events are sponsored by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
  • Annual County Wide Spring Cleanups and John Flannagan Reservoir Cleanup: All three counties are currently implementing programs that encourage citizens to actively participate in county wide cleanup.  These events are targeted for spring and in some counties, they pay $1 per orange trash bag.
  • Future Programs: Tradional Recycling Drop off sites, Newspaper Recycling Trailers, Farm Tractor Tire Recycling Day, Tire Recycling Programs, Printer Cartridge Recycling and Aluminum Can Recycling in Schools and Chipping of the Greens.

Board of Directors

Buchanan County:
Mr. Jeff Cooper
Mr. Tim Hess

Dickenson County:
Mr. Damon Rasnick
Ms. Rhonda Sluss

Russell County
Mr. Andrew Hensley
Mr. Nathan Kiser

Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Director
Ms. Saundra Honaker, Finance


Phone: (276) 883-5403
Fax: (276) 873-6385
Email: tobyedwards@bvunet.net
137 Highland Drive
PO Box 386
Lebanon, VA 24266

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