In 1992, the Cumberland Plateau
Planning District Commission's member counties were approached by
the PDC's Executive
Director, Andrew
Chafin, with the
question of what were their future plans for management of solid
waste. At
the same time, the Commonwealth of Virginia, had passed new landfill
closure regulations for existing and future landfills in compliance with the Federal Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
For many
rural counties, the cost was prohibitive. From this initial contact the
regional solid waste authority
concept was born and Buchanan, Dickenson, and Russell Counties joined
the newely created Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management
Authority. In 1993, the first of the three solid waste
transfer station was completed in Dickenson County, closely followed by
the completion of the Russell County transfer station. Due to
some hurdles and determining an appropriate site location, the Buchanan
County transfer station was not completed until 1994. Since it's
creation, the Authority has been governed by a seven member board of
representatives from Buchanan County, two representatives from
County, two representatives from Russell County and one member at
In addition, the Authority contracted with the CPPDC to hire a
Director of Waste Management to oversee the day to day operations of
all three solid waste
transfer stations and other related activities. The PDC staff provides
support as required.
Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority’s 2004
Regional Solid Waste Management Plan encouraged the hiring of a
regional litter prevention and recycling coordinator. As
outlined in the SWM Plan, this position would assist member
counties’ litter and recycling offices with increasing the
regions recycling rate to meet state requirements.
In August of 2004, the Cumberland
Plateau Regional Waste Authority
hired a Regional Litter Prevention and Recycling Coordinator. Funding
for this position is provide by the three member counties and a grant
from the Appalachian Regional Commission http://www.arc.gov/.
Since the creation of this new
position, member counties have met
monthly to discuss, plan and implement programs that would increase
their county’s recycling rate and address litter issues
facing their county.
In August of 2005, the CPRWMA was
awarded a grant from the Appalachian
Regional Commission (ARC). This grant will provide funding
for administration of litter prevention and recycling activities within
the three counties. All three member counties have committed
to providing match for this grant through program activities and
outreach materials.